When your home needs repairs, it can feel like an insurmountable task to get them done. That’s why it’s important to know your options when you need help with home repairs, such as government aid programs and loan and grant opportunities.
Many cities have municipal home repair programs to help with things like repairing or replacing worn-out windows, doors and plumbing systems for lower-income homeowners. If you’re interested in finding out what is available in your area, check with your city’s department of housing.
Some nonprofit organizations also offer free home repair services for homeowners who need it. These can include Habitat for Humanity and Rebuilding Together, which have affiliates in communities across the country that can help with everything from painting to installing a walk-in shower. You will usually be asked to make a donation, but this is usually only a small percentage of the cost of the work and can be used to stretch program dollars so more homes can be helped.
Another option for getting the repairs you need is to apply for a home improvement loan, such as a HUD Title 1 property improvement loan, which offers low interest rates and repayment periods. When choosing a company for this type of financing, be sure to find out how long they’ve been in business and ask for references from past clients. You should also check with your local Better Business Bureau to see if there are any consumer complaints.